Amos 3 at 4.0°W

Amos 3 or Amos-60 is an Israeli communications satellite operated by Spacecom, it launched on April 28, 2008 with Zenit-3SLB rocket vehicle.

Amos 3 at 4.0°W
Atlantic - Satellite frequency charts of: Amos 3 at 4.0°W longitude - Transponder geostationary orbit - Ku-Band.
Freq=Frequency - Pol=Polarity - S/R=Symbol Rate - Sys Encrypt=System Encryption
Atlantic - Satellite frequency list of: Amos 3 at 4.0°W - Transponder - Ku-Band
No Freq - Pol - S/R Logo Channels Sys Encrypt
01 10722 - V - 30000
T-Home on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
T-Home DVB-S2, Conax
02 10758 - V - 30000
Yes on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
Yes DVB-S, Videoguard
03 10758 - V - 30000
T-Home on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
T-Home DVB-S2, Conax
04 10806 - V - 30000
T-Home on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
T-Home DVB-S2, Conax
05 10842 - V - 30000
T-Home on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
T-Home DVB-S2, Conax
06 10926 - V - 27500
Yes on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
Hala TV
Knesset Channel
The Shopping Channel
DVB-S, MPEG-2/SD-FTA, Videoguard
07 11140 - H - 30000
StarLightMedia on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
News One
112 Ukraina
UA: Donbas
Telekanal Zik
Pershiy Diloviy
UA: Zakarpattya
UA: Kultura
08 11175 - H - 30000
StarLightMedia on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
Eko TV
5 Kanal
Milady TV
24 Kanal
UA: Krym
UA: Pershiy
09 11222 - H - 30000
T-Home on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
T-Home DVB-S2, Conax
10 11258 - H - 30000
T-Home on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
T-Home DVB-S2, Conax
11 11304 - H -8889
Antenna Hungaria on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
Antenna Hungaria
Hir TV
Da Vinci
12 11350 - H - 17333
Trippmix on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
Trippmix elo 1
Trippmix elo 2
Trippmix elo 3
Trippmix elo 4
Trippmix elo 5
DVB-S2, MPEG-4/HD, Conax
13 11389 - H - 30000
T-Home on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
T-Home DVB-S2, Conax
14 11425 - H - 30000
T-Home on Amos 3 at 4.0°W
T-Home DVB-S2, Conax
Amos 3, link -


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